Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
When he came here with an end in view, a way would turn up to achieve it.
But punishment should not be the only, or indeed the main, end in view.
I can't say how much, but there is no end in view.
"One must keep one's true end in view- how many times have I heard you say it?
My own line of research has been somewhat similar, though not undertaken with the same end in view.
But one must keep one's true end in view.
But science, if it is to flourish, must have no practical end in view.
The college level was established with the end in view of raising the academic standards.
"I suppose he was trained with that end in view," said Harry.
From the end in view, water was to drip incessantly.
It must have some important end in view, over and beyond that of getting itself returned to its mountain-idol.
God, who reads our hearts, knows that we had a noble end in view.
His room was equipped with the end in view that he could act promptly and effectively.
It must be interpreted and applied with that end in view."
Governors should control the money with this end in view and must not allow their thinking to become dominated by financial concerns.
And at least here there was some purpose to the task, some end in view.
All our passengers are paying strict attention to this thing, with the end in view which I have mentioned.
A system of parish financial reporting was established with transparency as the end in view.
With that end in view, he could see why Patsy's shack had been chosen for the attack.
You know that I hate all deception, even where the end in view appears to justify it.
Many thousands of dollars have been expended with that end in view."
We shall be working with this end in view, not only within Europe, but also in all our international relations.
With this end in view he proceeded to delve into old and new chemistry books.
You realized that she was beginning that long story, adequately, with the end in view.
She looked round her mechanically, pondering how to reach the end in view.