Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It was the first time she had used such an endearment.
He had always used this endearment with the girls at times.
The term is also used as a call of endearment.
He knew she had used his last name as a term of endearment.
Its a term of endearment and a word we have used for years.
It was the first time I'd ever heard him use any term of endearment to her.
It is also a term of endearment for small boys.
She managed to be sure it did not sound like an endearment.
According to the host, he takes the term as one of endearment.
She did not object to his arm, which was still around her, or to the endearment.
And some other endearments, of which she was barely aware.
Both men speak about the school with the endearment usually reserved for a child.
An imaginary character whose name is used as an endearment.
Why did men insist on calling women by food endearments?
She hadn't used the endearment of their early days for a long time.
They even changed their terms of endearment to reflect our new status.
She'd grown to love the endearments he was so comfortable with.
The nickname may also be used outside the family by friends as a term of endearment.
For them, some say, it is essentially a term of endearment.
But in a city known for its use of endearments, the move has not been universally popular.
Terms of endearment aside, it looks like this Miller thing might work out.
He sounded as if the endearment was torn from him.
Sometimes they would grunt back in response to his endearments.
Today, the wedding kiss is usually just used as a form of endearment.
Would his wife so receive him at the last with forgiveness and endearment?