Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Economy also required better engine controls, and black boxes came into their own.
The main problem was that early electronics were not fast enough for "on the fly" engine controls.
"We make software for racing cars, engine controls and security," he noted, in addition to computer games.
Matching course and speed with the collier was not difficult, even using the secondary engine controls.
But only now have electronic engine controls advanced enough to allow such engines to become workable.
The brass compass mounting and engine controls were brightly polished.
While manning his exposed and unprotected station at the engine controls, he was killed by enemy fire.
I had been fiddling with the engine controls, trying to step up the speed a little, when the first burst of fire whistled about us.
Engine controls are on a console between the seats, and instruments are designed to be read from either seat.
He hit his engine controls, wanning up the diesels.
The engine controls and the helm are frozen.
Harry, you take the impulse engine controls and start connecting the microrelays."
Aircraft engine controls provide a means for the pilot to control and monitor the operation of the aircraft's powerplant.
From here he steered and operated engine controls.
At issue was an adjustable gas pedal for use on cars and trucks equipped with electronic engine controls.
Aircraft engine controls are also considered as flight controls as they change speed.
On-board systems include fully automatic engine controls, power management and battle damage control systems.
Geordie's hand went to the engine controls.
The French had experienced the same problems and the British insisted that the engine controls be changed from an analogue to a digital system.
The MIL appeared in the early 80s along with computerized engine controls.
Others are converted to run on an alternative fuel by modifying the engine controls and fueling system from the original configuration.
Batty started flicking off the engine controls.
Finally, Sulu's hand touched the warp engine controls.