Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Start the drain on engine core three, and get a power crane ready.
It doesn't look a whole lot different from the engine core on the Stargazer.
The captain looked up again at the looming, silent engine core.
If you want Kevin can arrange for the engine core to be supplied as well.
Yellow and blue light erupted as an engine core breached.
Take men and move to the engine core.
I don't want any more militia sneaking on board until we find out what they've done with those engine cores.
However, simply cooling the air needs more liquid hydrogen than can be burnt in the engine core.
At this point however, Kryten tells everyone that the engine core is about to go into meltdown.
This was mounted behind the turbine, with its gas flow in the opposite direction to the main engine core.
He found the alien, trapped belowdecks, unconscious, near the engine core.
The captain craned his neck and watched nearly a dozen forms take shape near the engine core.
The princeps wants us to secure the engine core in case they try to sabotage the ship.
I want to visit the engine core.
It was also suggested that a second heat exchanger could be used on the gas generator engine core, saving another 30%.
He wondered if it was the power plant or engine core that enabled these aliens to reach Vangar.
Every technician and operative down in the engine core was a nonhuman helot.
Engine core and environmental controls are secure.
Picard glanced up at the silent warp engine core.
Already, he wished he had seized the moments after they had seen the engine core.
Kryten: The engine core is approaching critical mass!
They're registering a surge in the engine cores.
Except anything in the engine core.
The engine core is back on-line, Captain.
While the others were marveling at the engine core, Scotty discreetly headed for auxiliary control.