"engineering" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "engineering" in inglés

engineering , ***

the image to "engineering" in Polish
  1. inżynieria [UNCOUNTABLE]
    This information can be used for model based security engineering.
  2. prace inżynierskie, prace projektowe [UNCOUNTABLE]
    It really took a lot of engineering to get them to work.
  3. inżynieria (kierunek studiów) [UNCOUNTABLE]
    Jack is studying chemical engineering.
    He had to choose between engineering and medicine.
  4. zaplanowanie, zaaranżowanie (np. misji)
  5. zmienienie struktury genetycznej
  6. konstruowanie, skonstruowanie (np. maszyny) technical
  1. inżynieryjny
    I need them and their men for some engineering work.
    He created an engineering project worth millions of dollars.

engineer *** , also: Eng. , also: Engr.

the image to "engineer" in Polish
  1. inżynier, inż. (skrót) [COUNTABLE]
    She did not have the mind of an engineer, and she knew it.
    Their engineers have made some improvements.
    He's going to be a great engineer some day.
    Engr. Robert Smith will now make a speech.
    Trust me, I'm an engineer.
  2. monter, technik  BrE [COUNTABLE]
    "What do you do?" "I'm a senior engineer."
    My father works as an engineer.
  1. zaplanować, zaaranżować (np. misję)
    The scientists engineered the space mission.
    I had to engineer the meeting with the famous writer.
  2. zmienić strukturę genetyczną
    They want to engineer watermelons so that they're square.
    He thinks that engineering is immoral.
  3. konstruować, skonstruować (np. maszynę) technical
    He engineered a plane at the age of 20.
    Did you engineer this robot all by yourself?
  1. maszynista (w pociągu) [COUNTABLE]

Frases relacionadas — "engineering"

engineering tolerance = tolerancja (technologiczna)
value engineering = analiza wartości, inżynieria wartości (metoda produkcji zmierzająca do zmniejszenia kosztów wyrobu produktu bez obniżania jego jakości)

similar to "engineering" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "engineering" in Polish

technologii, inżynierii i matematyki (skrót od "science, technology, engineering, mathematics", używa się go w odniesieniu do studentów-imigrantów) = STEM education