Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
People like you make this world go round a lot more enjoyably.
And it is again enjoyably unclear what elements are planned.
Even then, the film's energy level remains enjoyably high.
I was merely passing the time with reading, but conversation will do that far more enjoyably.
There are decent places to stay and you could enjoyably spend some time exploring the old town.
But I can do it so much more enjoyably."
Successive weeks spent on each island brought enjoyably contrasting experiences.
Online dating can provide exactly that: love found easily, even enjoyably - but this service comes with a cost.
For the most part they do so enjoyably.
Has an important story to tell, while being an enjoyably sun-soaked listen to boot.
Toward the end of the afternoon, Mother, enjoyably tired from the day, decided to rest on what she thought was a stool in the lobby.
But a lot of it is enjoyably buoyant, even when it's several shades too broad.
After a few evenings so enjoyably spent, these disputes became almost ritualistic.
Phoebe laughed with pleasure and the evening settled down enjoyably.
And this is dance that enjoyably does not pretend to be anything more or less than what it is.
This enjoyably meandering history looks at the potato as a plant of paradox.
His goal is to teach young people about the Hudson as enjoyably as possible.
Within twenty-four hours he was pillion-riding, with his arms enjoyably around her waist.
Time said that the song is "so enjoyably trashy, it's a wonder no one thought of it before."
But both authors can be enjoyably wry about the absurdities they discover.
The free dance tonight promises to be enjoyably and provocatively idiosyncratic.
Yet it is never hard going, always good-humored, jaunty and sometimes enjoyably silly.
The price includes dinner and breakfast and the experience is enjoyably old-fashioned.
When something enjoyably sweet is tasted, characteristic licking responses occur.
The staging was enjoyably theatrical throughout the 10 suites of dances and musical numbers.