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Else's relationship with her son can be described as "narcissistic enmeshment".
Does digital connectedness lead to that enmeshment you speak of?
The enmeshment stage occurs when a relational identity emerges with established common cultural features.
Nor did the accumulating details of the Kennedy administration's enmeshment with the Mafia.
Enmeshment emphasizes similarities and discourages differences in people.
The opposite of separateness is enmeshment.
These enmeshment as well as internalizing relations were strongest when co-ruminating was focused on the mother's problems.
Boundaries are characterized along a continuum from enmeshment through semi-diffuse permeability to rigidity.
Van Duyn felt that happy misery he'd been warning himself against so often in past weeks, harbinger of a new enmeshment.
Ackroyd details More's enmeshment in the power structure of London's merchant elite and the country's legal system.
Specific patterns of interaction have been observed, including enmeshment, overprotectiveness, rigidity, and in the family conflict avoidance.
"Along with this emotional enmeshment, people develop a private self, a strong inner boundary behind which all kinds of secret feelings and fantasies are kept," he added.
In enmeshment, one person feels threatened by the individuality of the other, and actively seeks to control the other by intimidating or manipulating him.
When their enmeshment was complete, without ceremony the dreamers were bundled over onto their sides and rolled to the outermost area of the Tree's shade.
In addition, mother-adolescent co-rumination was related to positive relationship quality, but also to enmeshment which was unique to co-rumination.
Anything which involved her in unnecessary enmeshment with Vitor d'Arcos would be sturdily fended off.
At the other extreme, too much touching, too much holding, too much physical enmeshment- especially in the later yearssmothers the child.
Beyond the sexual and political surface themes, "The Dreamers" portrays the conflict the French twins have to face to individuate rather than continue in their enmeshment.
At the same time, it is important that the therapist avoids becoming enmeshed in the family subsystems themselves - the unconscious enmeshment of helping therapist/needy client.
Next a series of steps are employed to identify a group of important maladaptive introjects connected by a common theme, such as rejection, abuse, or enmeshment.
Beattie's recommended answer was to detach from over-involvement, from a toxic enmeshment in someone else's life, and, without ceasing to care, to strengthen one's own personal boundaries.
In such a perspective, 'so-called postmodernism turns out to be a technological hyper-intensification of modernism...continued enmeshment in modernism.
It would, that is, if the truth weren't so unbearably sad, revealing a tale of ravaged innocence under cover of familial enmeshment leading to a wasteland of self-destruction.
Salvador Minuchin introduced the concept of enmeshment to describe families where personal boundaries were diffuse, sub-systems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others led to a loss of autonomous development.