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The important question is, when do you know it's going to become enslavement?
Most people know you fight for people's freedom, not their enslavement.
But this could also free French economic policy from enslavement by the mark.
"The definition of enslavement did not make that clear enough."
Which was all Katie ever needed to know about her mother's enslavement.
He had known a few slaves, either before or after their enslavement.
It seemed to me that the woman, obviously, was now ready for enslavement.
I had been in total enslavement to him since Thursday evening.
I hope a new world results without the enslavement of international financial speculation.
"Now I want something that does not include the enslavement of others.
With all the blood they'd shared last night, such enslavement would be relatively easy.
"What were you relations with men, prior to your enslavement?"
Enslavement or genocide; there's not much difference in the end.
My father fought against enslavement and died in the attempt.
Now, for the first time since their enslavement, they faced an entirely new situation.
But many workers found their enslavement to be a virtual death sentence.
We are talking about the enslavement of human beings for profit.
The enslavement of the Indigenous people soon became an epidemic.
No longer can they rely on the enslavement of the masses.
In general women are less muscular than men, more vulnerable to enslavement.
It was, in his words, "the total liberation of man from enslavement by others."
How could the human population of the Province tolerate their enslavement?
And- their future objective is nothing less than the enslavement of all other living creatures.
However, all other peoples were subject to enslavement without their permission.
For a long time human beings considered the enslavement of other as something obvious.