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He will ensnare the magi, and enspell them.
They are runes that will one day enspell a fortress of this design-more than one.
I will need two days, to enspell sufficient bowls for mixing the Powder," Illyana said. "
The village is small, and accordingly I've been careful to enspell only a select few wine decanters and buckets of water.
When he gets close enough, he allows Mireva to enter Chiana's chamber and enspell the Princess with a mirror.
If they could find one alone, keep it distracted so that he could get close enough to enspell it with his obedience geas, the task would be done.
Rather than watch you enspell the rest of my fleet man by man-while I still possess a fleet to offer-I understand the Dendarii Mercenaries are looking for recruits.
Cullen looked at Mikanot in the eyes, of course, because hed left down one of his shields so he could use mindspeech, and it might be possible for the dragon to enspell him.
Perhaps he could reflect on the ease with which I could enspell him to endlessly enjoy the sensations he felt at the moment when he injured his knee ... and so remain quiet.
"I've been busy," Sethvir said on a wistful, sad note of reprool Long gone were the days when he had the leisure to grow strawberry leaves and chamomile and enspell them to flower out of season.
He is worse than any brute; his mind is an animal's mind, otherwise I could not so easily enspell him.... "Orain-" she whispered, and her hand went out to grip his mouth silent against an involuntary cry.