Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We have to enter a profession to earn money to live.
In the 1920s, Chinese women were not usually encouraged to get an education or enter a profession.
"Many schools do a very fine job to prepare you to enter a profession.
She's always been like this, which may explain why Joe entered a profession that would send him far from home so often.
I guess he could have gone to school and entered a profession.'
Mallock never entered a profession, though at one time he considered the diplomatic service.
For people entering a profession that requires a remarkably complex set of skills, architects get too little training.
Clearly, no one should enter a profession without subscribing to its fundamental tenets.
He had recovered, gone through law school and entered a profession in which he thrived.
It had amused Alan, therefore, to enter a profession where polyester was required.
We could not enter a profession, nor hold public office, nor engage in trade or commerce.
Then as now, Haitians fortunate enough to enter a profession ordinarily would not marry beneath their class.
His mother still worries, because the doctor advised Weber, now 48, not to enter a profession that required much public speaking or yelling.
Blade hadn't become a novelist, but when he'd left Oxford he'd entered a profession where a good imagination was almost as important.
We tell the new graduates that they are ready to enter a profession devoted to "those wise restraints that make us free."
What they had in common, Ms. Marks said, was a desire to enter a profession "where they could make a difference."
It was impressive enough that Williams, a black man, chose to enter a profession that was then all but closed to members of his race.
Heilbrun, he says, "was one of the few people at Columbia who made me feel I was being trained to enter a profession.
A World of Contrasts Medical students today enter a profession defined by stark contrasts.
A. For young people, I'd say, "where else could you enter a profession where you didn't have to make the trade-offs that you once did?"
People bought status by buying land--in three generations, a gentleman--or entering a profession.
'It is pointless and ill informed to say that I am entering a profession trained in killing,' he said in his defence.
A typical incentive trust might encourage a beneficiary to complete a degree, enter a profession, or abstain from harmful conduct such as substance abuse.
He did not enter a profession - he did not want the law, and no more did the army want him.
After a year at Washington University, Hunter entered a profession in which he turned out to be a pioneer for African American broadcast journalists.