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We felt that according to the spirit and the letter of the regulation, environmental auditors had to be natural persons.
Extra points for hiring environmental auditors, none for actual results.
Currently there are no universally accepted standards for environmental auditors to work toward, although they are beginning to be developed.
The environmental auditors disagreed - and the plant people redesigned a process to eliminate the solvent.
He also contributed as a quality environmental auditor and a member of the site Emergency Response Team.
The term "protocol" means the checklist used by environmental auditors as the guide for conducting the audit activities.
Two years ago, Ciba-Geigy put all of its environmental auditors into a stand-alone group that reports to the chief executive.
The insurance will only be sold to buyers who hire environmental auditors who follow procedures specified by his company.
Another change is Mr. Ruckelshaus's appointment of an environmental auditor to visit local operations and recommend changes.
From 1974 to 1978 he ran his own building company, and was a licensed environmental auditor in Queensland and Victoria.
Therefore, any environmental auditors should:
Throughout its operation, the mine was rigorously monitored, reviewed and inspected by external environmental auditors and Indonesian government inspectors.
During his time as an environmental auditor, Rappolt became interested in mining, and he soon became a mine manager, prospector and financier.
Or Mr. Shepheard calling landscape architects "environmental auditors," whose thankless job is to fill in the spaces that architects leave between their buildings.
The building will also be the first in Belgium to be continuously monitored by environmental auditors, it will have solar panels on the roof and recycle rain water.
ISO 14012 provides guidance on qualification criteria for environmental auditors and lead auditors (now superseded by ISO 19011)
The CESB has granted full accreditation to BEAC's Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA) certification.
The liquid herbicide used now, at a cost of millions of dollars to the United States, has mostly been washed away in the heavy rainfall of the Amazon, said Luis Eduardo Parra, the Colombian anti-drug squad's environmental auditor.
"Just like you don't want financial auditors to audit their own bookkeeping, you don't want environmental auditors to judge their own technical decisions," said Joseph T. Sullivan, the senior vice president who oversees the group that helps the plant managers comply with environmental policies.
However, the IEA is now turning its attention to environmental auditing and has launched a national Environmental Auditors Registration Board to provide professional accreditation for environmental auditors along with a set of draft criteria against which the quality of the environmental statements produced for the EC eco-audit scheme can be measured.