Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This once might have been a highway for travelers, but that was aeons ago.
We gave up our domain for the peace of oblivion aeons ago.
The symbols on the paper were similar to those chiseled into stone aeons ago.
How many aeons ago had the earth thundered, spitting in fire and gas?
How do we know that a great civilization might not have risen and flourished here aeons ago?
All that must have been hours, possibly aeons ago."
This is what killed it those aeons ago.
He had been that young once, although it had been aeons ago.
There must have been another race aeons ago, of which this is perhaps the last relique.
'Aeons ago the creatures we call demons lived among us.
If it wasn't for these pressure releases, the Earth would have shaken itself to fragments aeons ago.
I once had a palace there, though it drowned beneath a lake aeons ago when the ice melted.
The Swiss worked that out aeons ago.
We are her true followers, to us she came from Carchemish aeons ago."
But we are talking about a device created aeons ago by a superior race, whose skills we can scarce guess at.
"Except for trace molecules, we crossed the barrier from organic to synthetic aeons ago.
This was aeons ago, of course.
It had made its choice long ago - aeons ago, in its own terms, for to the Machine each second was an eternity.
It was carved out of the hill by a crack of a glacier aeons ago, a natural sanctuary.
"But a few hundred aeons ago, someone discovered how to render this fine defense useless by reversing, the flow.
The piece of this world denied it when it was banished aeons ago.'
The first Guyver was an experiment by the Creators aeons ago.
Last Max I knew died aeons ago.
It's speculated that aeons ago this may have been a forest extinguished by the eruption of some volcano now deep under the sea.
"My own son is quite unique: the first child born to the Continuum since we transcended physicality untold aeons ago."
"This is what Earth was like eons ago before the coming of man."
His horse had been shot out from under him eons ago.
The challenge was issued eons ago from light years away.
I've only ever been to a race track twice before in my life and that was eons ago.
"Thanks to nature, we have this great opportunity to see our universe as it was eons ago."
His life as an accomplished commercial pilot seemed eons ago now.
Eons ago, this area was on the edge of a vast ocean.
Most large land animals on my planet were extinct eons ago.
His power was gone for the first time since he had picked up the ring in the deep woods eons ago.
"It is a spiritual representation of the one they came through eons ago," agreed Data.
Paul walked to his car in front of the harbor master's office where he'd left it about two eons ago.
"I should think you would have outlawed that particular international solution eons ago."
At least, it looked like the remains of a tree, thought Leah, but one that had died eons ago.
Those teachers whom I most admire set that example for me eons ago."
Eons ago they grew from the sea bottom and blasted out upon the surface.
Are we the first to cross the gulf between us, or did your ancestors reach our world eons ago?
This earth is the same geographically as the one they left, but evolution took a different turn eons ago.
This war you speak of was fought eons ago.
Once - eons ago - they offered a rare treat, a break from home cooking.
One is an old beat-up copy I probably bought used many eons ago.
"But we realize that our work eons ago has not been in vain.
- much like what I remember freshman orientation to have been so many eons ago.
Every atom of your body, Jo, was built up inside a star, eons ago.
The food was great the last time I was there eons ago, and not a bad wine list, either.
The display is a re-enactment of an event that happened eons ago.
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