Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This may well be the most equivocal museum in the world.
But he was equivocal on the issue of age discrimination.
But this general opinion is the most equivocal thing in the world.
Evidence for the reality of these claims is still equivocal.
The tone of the work, however, is now thought equivocal.
Even in the question of resistance to outside control, the picture was equivocal.
Results from testing in June 1999 were said to be equivocal.
In a way it was a relief to be free of their equivocal relationship.
But it is in many ways equivocal and no clear picture has yet emerged from the data.
But when it came to doing things for older people, she said the findings were more equivocal.
This may help make the diagnosis of the disease in equivocal cases.
Even so, it was rare indeed for a young woman to put herself in such an equivocal position.
He has rejected the charges, and the evidence is equivocal.
And the message was equivocal, it held many possible meanings.
Voters loved them, though researchers have found the results equivocal at best.
The evidence before the court on this point is sparse and equivocal.
Indeed, the Colonel saw no reason to answer his wife with more than an equivocal smile.
However, some studies are equivocal on the importance of other vegetation.
Evidence for the treatment of psychological conditions other than pain is equivocal.
If she were to ignore the evidence of the bank records, everything else was equivocal.
My own feelings about this hypothesis are equivocal at best.
But now after the Fall, they are equivocal, ambivalent, with a potential which can be turned either way.
So far, no one had troubled Harold about his equivocal position.
No doubt they felt themselves in a very equivocal position."
Government health officials, meanwhile, have been equivocal about the treatment's efficacy, to say the least.