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Every man in the group seemed to be a past master at the art of equivoque, turning questions to suit their own purposes.
"Me Equivoque", another track from the album, has garnered major digital sales in Mexico.
Equivoque - a method of forcing a specific object on a spectator through a seemingly randomized selection process.
"In essence equivoque is the process of psychological forcing combined with double entendre"
The play Equivoque may have led Barney to leave Neuilly in 1909.
In late August, "Me Equivoque", along with its video, was released. "
Me Equivoque (2007)
During the engagement the third vessel, Equivoque, occasionally intervened, firing at St Fiorenzo.
Also includes a duet with Denisse Guerrero (of Belanova) called "Me Equivoque".
"Actually, when I--" He searched for delicate language, and again settled on employing Kira's equivoque. "
A skilful equivoque that last of yours, Master Micah,' quoth Decimus Saxon, 'though smacking of double dealing in a truth-lover like yourself.
Alle radici d'un equivoco [Vatican II: At the Roots of an Equivoque], p. 185-195.
The substance similarly 'ranges from doubtful equivoque to exquisite and fantastic dreaming', rising to appeals for 'the assurance "that you care for me the way I care for you"'.
After issuing 1993's Ternura, the successful album Me Equivoque was recorded and produced in 1995 by Jaime Querol and Manuel Tejada.
He approaches, and each knowing the other, a conversation ensues under the hypothesis that each to the other is unknown- a very unoriginal, and, of course, a very silly source of equivoque, fit only for the gum- elastic imagination of an infant.
But what we especially complain of here is that our poet should have taken so many and so obvious pains to bring about this position of equivoque, when it was impossible that it could have served any other purpose than that of injuring his intended effect!
One of the plays was Equivoque (Ambiguity), a revisionist version on the legend of Sappho's death: Instead of throwing herself off a cliff for the love of Phaon the sailor, she does so out of grief that Phaon is marrying the woman she loves.
Hyeronymus Bosch - Equivoke (2007)
The Immortals -Untraslatable equivoke-)