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I mean, these things do not radiate in any significant way.
The feel of them seemed to radiate down her body.
When I hold you, your body seems to radiate heat.
"The fire is only going to radiate heat down here."
It was better to radiate the heat from her own body.
Fear began at the eyes and radiated to the entire face.
But the power bank probably radiates about the same in all cases.
He could feel the love radiating from her, the trust.
A force, something almost physical, radiating from him as he stood looking at her.
He could feel the heat radiating off of his hot body.
To the watching men she seemed to radiate some deep power.
Now that heat was coming around to radiate at her.
They stood very close together, and she could feel the need radiating from him like heat.
If there was any power radiating out of that I needed it now!
And you're hot, I can feel the heat radiating from this part of you.
"I think it radiates out to the other players around them."
First of all, the cell phone does radiate a lot more.
Then the effects went radiating out to all parts of his body.
Weak as he was, she could feel the power radiating from his body.
He could still feel the hate and fear radiating from the Human.
At least he would have, had the attraction not radiated between them.
He seemed to radiate energy, and no man could be five minutes in his presence without being the better for it.
There are some of us who sense colors radiating from others.
Real beauty radiates from the inside out, and he had that.
He did not radiate much energy for a power of his magnitude.
And we know that economic injustice still exists-we've got to act to eradiate poverty if there is to be any hope for peace in this world.