Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Never has the state taken so firm a hand with an errant city.
It had taken far less time than that to find the errant case.
But they got no closer, thanks to their own errant play.
They certainly knew how to keep errant humans in line!
Of course, each family has a different attitude toward its most errant member.
Her husband's errant knife or the fall from 80 feet - they were one and the same.
One year, a man was killed by an errant shell.
The errant shooting included a 6-for-32 night behind the 3-point line.
At the higher end of his range, one heard many an errant pitch.
But the others were on the mark, and even the errant one was within walking distance.
My errant steps took me in the direction of the sea.
Finding someone to take responsibility for an errant sign can be difficult.
You don't get a chance to make an errant shot.
She shook her head and gave him a smile as if he were an errant medical student.
I would not be pulled into the hallway like an errant child.
Next, Peterson asked how many expected to work, and only a few errant hands were raised.
If it worked, well, then all over the country- She forced errant thoughts from her mind.
Where and when did the word first crack down on errant politicians?
She shot an air ball and then threw an errant pass.
The same errant stroke cost her the match two points later.
She pushed an errant strand of hair away from his face.
It were best that power not fall into errant hands."
He spoke as though explaining something simple to an errant child.
I focused on the errant spell, about to remember it.
The woman turns out to be Paul's wife, who has come searching for her errant husband.