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I felt my way along the course of the oesophagus and it was perfectly clear.
Food is swallowed, which means it goes through the oesophagus.
Worth died on 31 May 2011, having been diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus earlier in the year.
In 2000, he was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus and stomach.
The oesophagus can contract or expand to allow for the passage of food.
I had my heart trying to climb up around my oesophagus.
For example, nitrates cause cancer of the stomach and oesophagus.
My profession is to deal with words, and oesophagus interested me the moment I lighted upon it.
Sometimes a person's oesophagus, or throat, may swell up so much that the person can no longer breathe.
She died in a Sydney nursing home after an 18-month battle with cancer of the oesophagus.
He was sixty-eight years old and had suffered from cancer of the oesophagus for some time.
The nervous system also has nerve rings that go round the oesophagus.
In both, there were no manifestations of the disease outside the oesophagus, which is exceptionally rare.
Her father smoked for many years and died of cancer of the oesophagus in 2005.
This is connected to the brain by two nerves, extending around each side of the oesophagus.
Of these, 22 were found to harbour the bivalve in their oesophagus.
The oesophagus is a short and rather slender tube.
The oesophagus is usually muscular and pumps food into the intestine.
Moreover, cycling occurred in nine of 10 patients with Barrett's oesophagus.
All subjects included in the study were healthy young persons without any symptoms related to the oesophagus.
Only six patients were previously known to have a columnar lined oesophagus.
In the oesophagus tract about eight scales and some bone fragments are present.
He died from cancer of the oesophagus in Aberdeen.
Got it into the trachea instead of the oesophagus.
The airways are clear, but it might lodge in the oesophagus.'
The cause was cancer of the esophagus, said his family.
The only thing they're doing is attempting to keep my esophagus open.
Men are much more likely to develop cancer of the esophagus.
Food goes from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus.
This is especially a problem for the blood vessels in the esophagus.
Measurements are usually taken at various points in the esophagus.
To this day, he must have his esophagus stretched as treatment.
Surgery is the most common treatment for cancer of the esophagus.
Instead, these treatments are done through the mouth into the esophagus.
It will be positioned in different areas of your esophagus.
At last he reached a position just below the join of the esophagus to the face.
All had a biopsy of the esophagus before and after the study.
The doctor can see into your esophagus using this tube.
Over time, the damage to the esophagus can cause complications.
Reports in the British press said that the cause was cancer of the esophagus.
Ruin finished with the esophagus and put it back in place.
During this test, a small tube is placed down your esophagus.
For example, they do not change the length of Barrett's esophagus.
In most cases, the top part of the stomach is wrapped all the way around the esophagus.
She had him by the throat and could crush his esophagus any time.
The food must pass through the esophagus in order to enter the stomach.
The reason for this problem is damage to the nerves of the esophagus.
These motions are important to move food down the esophagus to the stomach.
Barrett's esophagus, also much more common among men, most often occurs after age 50.
"But the ones you took of the esophagus are negative.