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Eternal verities are not to be erected on such a basis.
Yet, surely, the eternal verities of any game still apply.
Maybe Dad is right, the old certainties and eternal verities mean nothing.
"All the eternal verities on which India's position is built are shifting," an administration official said.
Photographers who make use of computers sometimes mess with the eternal verities.
Well I'm not sure it's simple, it's a way of getting back to eternal verities.
It adequately expressed the eternal verities of social work.
The many divisions of science each profess their findings as the eternal verities.
"It is your job to probe the eternal verities."
How lucky they are in Kansas City to be able to talk about the eternal verities.
Although the houses looked radical, Wright saw them as exemplifying eternal verities.
God and 'eternal verities' are almost out of vision.
It passes the time better than your missal or contemplation of the eternal verities.
Miss Graham's pantheist stage poem is dealing with eternal verities here.
"Frankly, Father, the events I've been through have shaken my faith in the eternal verities."
Here we deal in eternal verities unsullied by pragmatism's shades of gray.
On film, the Bulls represented a slice of Americana and life's eternal verities.
He's more interested in the eternal verities."
The eternal verities, friendship and family and faith, are cheap and filling.
A politician invited to make the wedding speech can be relied upon to dish up some predictions along with the eternal verities.
Slowly Michael Ramsey began to realize that the eternal verities were more important to him than the political excitements.
These are the moments between the 25-year-old champion and the wise old man when they talk about the eternal verities: life, growing up, knocking people out.
To some listeners, all those changes mean that rock has lost touch with eternal verities derived from the blues, gospel and honky-tonk.
How many operagoers in 1840 awaited eternal verities, or even competence, with every premiere?