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"A year and a half is two eternities in politics."
I just stared at him for five or six eternities.
Far less than a minute, or, in our time, several eternities.
The two of them stood there, frozen, for what seemed like seven eternities.
Chance could take three eternities and not create a piece of coal, let alone a thinking being.
No eternities have passed for the 'gods' since their visit to earth!
After a few seconds which seemed like eternities, and not only to me, we finally succeeded.
The moon set, and after a couple of eternities, dawn came.
Eternities passed, and still the shot did not come.
For one of those ten-second eternities, nothing happened in the screen.
In between bins he stood for eternities looking at the elephants.
Though eternities had seemed to pass, the whole experience could have consumed little more than a half-hour.
The seconds became eternities while the high priest remained silent.
Eternities seemed to pass before we were finally released from the funnel.
The four days of its duration were individual eternities.
The hours until the dawn were eternities of waking nightmare.
There were eternities during which it did not exist.
It took a time which was counted in eternities.
Soon enough, she would belong to Balim and to the eternities.
The special beauty and isolation there gave me many "10-minute eternities" on my visit in December.
Somewhere in the eternities a crash might end me.
And whether yester-moment or eternities ago, he had ceased to care!
We must be more careful to attune ourselves to its eternities.
These are the two eternities: the youth - the lovely young thing - and the old one who's not in history anymore.
I saw six or seven separate eternities in cresting as many different hills.