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And ethanol is an example of what I'm talking about.
Before 2006, one project for building an ethanol plant are started.
You also know that this is not the same thing as ethanol.
Bill Gates has also made a move into the ethanol market.
Will we put a tax on oil to keep ethanol competitive?
After all, sugar is also an important - can be used for ethanol.
If nothing else, his plan would allow him to keep using ethanol after he leaves office.
One way you can control both of these variables, however, is to make your own ethanol.
Ethanol could still have a small place in the overall energy mix.
But myriad problems with ethanol have come to light since then.
Last year America used a record 4 billion gallons of ethanol.
Let's list out some physical properties of ethanol and water.
The company is having problems adapting its business to the ethanol market.
"Our studies showed that ethanol took more energy to make than it produced."
This may also be done without chemotherapy in some cases, using ethanol instead.
And the production of ethanol employs more than 40,000 people today.
But the oil companies have other issues that are much more important to them, and they waste little effort on the ethanol question.
But ethanol costs 15 percent more per mile than gas.
Any given thing ethanol does can be substituted by something.
They found that despite all the good will toward ethanol, success is far from assured.
Today, most of the nation's nearly 70 ethanol plants are in the Midwest.
Ethanol is sold by only 108 of the nation's 178,000 service stations.
So I say they are getting gas with 10 percent blended ethanol.
Corn based ethanol makes no sense at all, in any way shape or form.
Along the ethanol corridor very few people were actually buying E-85.