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Was there anything an ethnographer could say with certainty about another culture?
We really are ethnographers - we're out there in the field."
There are a range of different ways that ethnographers have attempted to study the internet.
He has been also referred to as a sociologist and ethnographer.
The use of videos can help ethnographers achieve this goal.
Ethnographers note that people often claim membership in one or another national group for political reasons.
Photos and moving pictures have been used by ethnographers since soon after they were invented.
The scholar and the traveling ethnographer seem utterly natural together.
The potlatch was a cultural practice much studied by ethnographers.
Turner was also a committed ethnographer and produced work on ritual.
Anderson is one of the nation's leading urban ethnographers and cultural theorists.
Let us consider such an ethnographer as an invisible witness to a particular speech event.
The closest ethnographers can ever really get to reality is an approximate truth.
In this sense Stevenson's work is similar to that of ethnographers and cultural anthropologists.
Therefore, ethnographers often conceal what they know in order to increase the likelihood of acceptance.
Recording observations can also create problems for the ethnographer.
He became noted as an ethnographer and writer about Native American life.
In October 1938 he rejoined the museum as an ethnographer and consultant.
In reality, an ethnographer will always miss some aspect because they are not omniscient.
He is also known as an ethnographer and folklorist.
He was also a theatre person, filmmaker and ethnographer.
But these ethnographers also pointed out the superficiality of many such similarities.
The computer program has been applied by sociological ethnographers, social historians, and organization researchers.
Some have suggested the contaminators to have been the ethnographers themselves.
This difference led early ethnographers to refer to them as different groups until linguistic similarities proved their close relationship.