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Did you call it a sense of life as exaltation?
It's been a long time since I've gone off on an exaltation.
"What have you to say to our patient's present state of exaltation?"
Nothing else could have given him quite such an exaltation of destruction.
They were both, now, in a state of mild exaltation.
The sun of this day shall not set without your exaltation.
They both lead only to death, never to love or erotic exaltation.
Now the sun was overhead, and at last he came to the end of his exaltation.
There was a certain exaltation in living even for a week at this ancient center of learning.
He appeared to be in a state of nervous exaltation.
This is a modest movie, but it has its exaltations.
At the same time, however, a curious exaltation filled him.
She took a step toward him, shaking with the violence of her exaltation.
Not only the faith, the religious exaltation, but even the desire for both?
There was an exaltation of white wings up from the trees.
Then, in an exaltation of supreme horror, everyone saw the end.
This emphasis on building led to the exaltation of all the arts.
In a kind of exaltation he drew the girl towards him.
Every one felt an exaltation in the place, a coming of marvels.
But that heady sense of exaltation could not last in this world.
The line between terror and exaltation remains a fine one throughout.
All her exaltation had been consumed by the act of Command.
All that only drives you further into your moral exaltation.
Fear faded into exaltation and he felt larger than life itself.
But he filled the birth scene with a sense of both effort and exaltation.