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Such an exceptive law does not become part of the Constitution and it may be repealed like an ordinary act.
A few fundamental and exceptive rules are essential for understanding the game play of the game.
Exceptive laws were formerly much used, even to the point of threatening to undermine respect for Constitutional provisions.
Nouns following exceptive particles in non-negative sentences.
The assembly voted not to disaffiliate the Independent American Party of Nevada over the more exceptive position of its gubernatorial candidate, Christopher H. Hansen.
In 1924 the Clapham meeting split between two groups led by Frank G. Jannaway and his older brother Arthur T. Jannaway over whether the Matt.5:32 "exceptive clause" allowed divorce in cases of adultery.
The flexibility of the Finnish Constitution is due to the use of "exceptive laws," a distinctive feature of the Finnish system: instead of amending or changing the Constitution, an act may be made as an ad hoc exception to it.