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Do you think Americans make excessive demands on the family unit rather than calling for the government to help those in need?
"We are the ones with the most recent exposure to the excessive demands of fund-raising."
In ending the show, he cited "excessive demands on his time."
We urge that what is devised should not make excessive demands upon time or resources.
Excessive demand often leads to conflicts due to intense competition.
However, violent sports that make excessive demands on the body with little preparation, can do more harm than good.
Rather, it is a supply shock on top of blatantly excessive demand.
Despaired and stressed from the excessive demands on his work, he killed himself in 1969.
The Bilingual policy places excessive demands on average students.
No partner should be subjected to excessive demands in the accession process.
Excessive demands are placed on governments by sectional interest groups beyond their capacity to meet them.
Excessive demands from parents may also contribute to burnout.
The problem in health care is excessive demand and unrestrained use of testing and technology.
Mounting concerns over excessive demands for corn as both food and fuel only add to the urgency.
There was one unusual occurrence of a station having to close because of excessive demand.
Scotland was a state which was never burdened by excessive demands, for men or money.
Weigand was not prepared and had to give in to the Margrave's excessive demands.
Excessive demand is no longer a problem.
This seemed to Darragh an excessive demand, that he, the spiritual counsellor, should also be called on to navigate.
He was stout and good natured and did not make excessive demands on himself.
Problems such as deadlines, noise, marital strife, excessive demands made on our time by others, and so forth.
He chose a dependent wife in Elsie, who further controlled him by her ailments and excessive demands.
Imposing excessive demands will pull the plug on small businesses, and they will not survive.
Those who often use this style are always focused on details and place excessive demands on themselves and others.
More important, thanks to the turmoil of reunifying two economic and cultural systems, Germans will have to renounce their excessive demands for personal security.