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A complete excision, she was told, should probably have been done the first time around.
They continue feeding from within this excision which is now used as a case.
The art of excision was not limited to the professionals.
A type of surgery called wide local excision is often done.
The companies need the sample within 24 hours of surgical excision.
"But to me it's not the excision that caused the death."
And if caught early, can be cured with simple excisions.
Your doctor may use one of these surgeries: Local excision.
If the excision is large, a skin graft may be needed.
If the lesion is small one could also consider excision.
When he'd finished his terrible excision, she was still alive.
Now the dressing was off so that the excision could be exposed to the air.
The tumor is then removed in a wide local excision.
If local excision is elected, the patient should be carefully followed.
Just let me finish this excision, and she can take a look at the face."
Surgical excision of the affected area in well selected cases.
Excision focused on working with other producers for this album.
Other sources suggest that surgical excision may not be required in all cases.
Wide local excision: The cancer is cut from the skin along with some of the tissue around it.
Mind telling me how that little miracle of excision took place?"
In a small proportion of patients, local excision alone is sufficient therapy.
However, over the years, multiple small excisions can be performed to achieve good disease control.
Full excision of the lesion is required for clinical success.
An excision biopsy is ideal, but not practical in most cases.
Small excisions may be closed with stitches and heal without problems.