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Time critical risk management is used during operational exercises or execution of tasks.
He almost acts as Jerry's right hand man always there when needed, although somewhat unreliable in execution of tasks.
Thankfully, Beyer and Sirsy's collective attention to detail resulted in perfect execution of tasks such as this one.
The desired outcome is described as a state, e.g. completion of a task, the effects from tasks, or even the execution of tasks over time.
Time-triggered means that all relevant actions in the system, like communication or the execution of tasks, are scheduled according to predefined instants in time.
The Ministry bears the responsibilities to direct and monitor the highest-ranking local officials in the execution of tasks charged by the Ministry.
The Scope Action feature uses a Push technology to dispatch the execution of tasks to large groups of network objects in real-time.
Preparedness and execution of tasks by the SOF squadrons have been especially noted by the coalition partners.
Perform Task Instances: Here is covered the actual execution of tasks with regards to issues of empowerment and decentralization.
During the processing of jobs, it acts as the grid coordinator, scheduling the execution of tasks and doing all the necessary data transfer to and from grid machines.
Another specificity of data grids, dynamics, consists in the continuous process of connecting and disconnecting of nodes and local load imbalance during an execution of tasks.
The DCI's Counterterrorist Center would become a CIA unit, to handle the direction and execution of tasks assigned to the CIA.
It is the Broker's role to schedule the tasks to run on the Workers and to deploy and retrieve all data to/from Workers before and after the execution of tasks.
SONS was in charge of directing and coordinating state ministries in conducting national security operations, whereas KOOZ was responsible for the execution of tasks given by SONS.
Like the fault-tolerant time-triggered protocol TTP, TTP/A follows the time-triggered paradigm featuring a clock synchronization and predefined time-triggered schedules for communication and execution of tasks.
Scripting language - programming language that supports the writing of scripts, programs written for a software environment that automate the execution of tasks which could alternatively be executed one by one by a human operator.
The best teachers of legal skills are those who use them, and it would have been pointless for my Harvard Law School professors to attempt to instruct me about the execution of tasks they themselves may barely know how to perform.
Adaptive collaborative control is the decision-making approach used in hybrid models consisting of finite-state machines with functional models as subcomponents to simulate behavior of systems formed through the partnerships of multiple agents for the execution of tasks and the development of work products.