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These things exhilarate as they threaten to stop the heart.
Killing this person I didn't know did not exhilarate me.
The tasks they are facing seem to exhilarate rather than frighten them.
The memory of that vacation, as she preferred to call it, continued to exhilarate her.
That realization was enough to both exhilarate and frighten.
Displays of killing machines tend to exhilarate young men rather than repel them.
Indeed, instead of distressing voters, such scenes may exhilarate them and lead to even greater support for capital punishment.
Exhilarate in the lasting beauty and natural wonder scattered throughout West Virginia.
Adrien needed enough answers to reassure-and even exhilarate him.
Middles, the trade winds of writing, exhilarate them.
It only seemed to exhilarate her.
Indeed, while I was speaking to the people I quite forgot my fear, and the height seemed to exhilarate me.
But for a novel like this to succeed, the mountaineering scenes must exhilarate, and this is never an easy task.
The project is the work of collaborators who fervently believe that poetry can transcend the printed page and exhilarate a live audience.
The west's threats must exhilarate the young bloods of the Revolutionary Guard and depress the opposition.
"No, exhilarate my heart, oxygenate my blood!"
But each choice she makes seems to render the city more vulnerable to attack, but that outcome seems to exhilarate rather than upset her.
They have reminded us that excellence and determination and faith live on, and that their power to exhilarate endures.
Not Exhilarated But the prospect did not exhilarate Twibell much.
In Rome, Pliny recommended that a wreath of mint was a good thing for students to wear since it was thought to "exhilarate their minds".
They exhilarate and frighten us, amaze and humble us and invoke great forces that we cannot fully anticipate or control.
Memories Still Haunt The blood and fury of combat exhilarate some people and mentally scar others, for reasons no one understands.
But in the last pages Chailly slackens the pulse again, and instead of an ending to exhilarate and thrill we have anticlimax.
Kerala has been a favourite haunt of travellers from around the world for nearly 600 years; it's been known to exhilarate, enchant and enthral.
The smell of the sea was strong and fresh in my nostrils, and the soft summer air combined with some intangible sense of joy to exhilarate me.