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The 2004 election brought new attention to the issue of exit polls.
You know, look, I think it is an open question whether we really need to report exit polls.
If Americans think there is a problem now with exit polling, just wait.
The same exit polls, however, give early information about the winner.
According to exit polls, Paul was first among young voters.
Those results turned out to be more accurate even than some exit polls.
Nationwide exit polls were very close to the final results.
The 1988 study did not include Oregon, where there were no exit polls.
Almost the same pattern had appeared in the 2000 exit polls.
He predicted that the final results would support the exit polls.
According to exit polls, American voters feel happy and rich.
The Exit poll was announced at 18:00 on election day.
The study, released yesterday, was based on three exit polls over the last four years.
Exit polls showed their support of Democrats dropped in two years from 59 to 40 percent.
Exit polls showed him winning with more than 70 percent of the city's vote.
The final vote will not be known for a day or two, but recent exit polls have been accurate here.
Thanks to exit polls, politicians can see who sat out the election.
"You think there might be something wrong with our exit polling.
Without exit polls, it is difficult to assess exactly who turned out to vote.
The exit polls showed wide support for his domestic ideas.
If anything, exit polls show far greater voting differences within age groups than between them.
Their apparent total is the same as what the exit polls suggested they would get.
Exit polls in previous states showed that all three groups were a part of Clinton's base.
More intriguing, the final result was the same as what the exit polls had suggested.
Exit polls are less important, people might argue, than the right to play one's personal part in democracy.