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The extent to which it does so is known as the expansion ratio.
Its expansion ratio and ease of handling made it popular.
Below the threshold, the gain reduces according to the expansion ratio.
It represents the compression or expansion ratio between input and output levels.
If the image is being displayed at its normal 1:1 expansion ratio, then the Smooth command will not have a useful effect.
This means the compression ratio is smaller than the expansion ratio.
The nozzle with an initial expansion ratio of 8:1 is designed to improve the effective specific impulse.
The expansion ratio after combustion still remains high.
Expansion ratio is used in the context of liquefied and cryogenic substances.
The higher expansion ratio extracts more work from the high-pressure gas created by the combustion process.
The lower nozzle has an expansion ratio of 21.5 and is lined with an ablative material.
This substance has the same tensile strength and expansion ratio as black crystal but no other of its properties.
Efficiency is increased by having the same effective compression ratio and a larger expansion ratio.
Each engine is a Vulcain engine with reduced expansion ratio.
A strong grip is achieved by the use of a high expansion ratio and heavy ribbing on the expander.
Recent improvements allow better quality results at all compression/expansion ratios but a residual smearing effect still remains.
The large expansion ratio requires a large cylinder volume.
The exhaust valve opening timing is retarded for higher expansion ratio, enhancing fuel economy.
In general, the efficiency of the evaporation engine increases with the inlet temperature and the expansion ratio.
This was important for economy in steam, as the amount needed to fill the clearance volume at each stroke reduces the expansion ratio.
At the same time, the exhaust valve opening timing is retarded to provide a higher expansion ratio and improved efficiency.
The volume ratio is called the "isentropic expansion ratio".
The efficiency of internal combustion engines depends on several factors, the most important of which is the expansion ratio.
The nozzle expansion ratio is adapted to the different missions of the booster and passenger stages.
They burn less fuel than a petrol engine performing the same work, due to the engine's higher temperature of combustion and greater expansion ratio.