Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They called to express sympathy and ask for news; when he had company I did not like to trouble him.
Some had signs out front, expressing sympathy for the families of the children.
I am sure the whole House will join me in expressing sympathy to her.
It's not the time to express sympathy about others' troubles.
When I told him, he expressed sympathy for the inevitable wait.
They nodded, expressed sympathy for my family's loss and walked away.
It is better to simply express sympathy, and to tell them that they will be in your thoughts.
"In such a situation, the President would often express sympathy or at the very least promise to look into the matter raised."
Will had three or four phone calls from reporters, mostly to express sympathy.
He also wants to make it a crime to express sympathy for terrorists.
The building's managers express sympathy but point out that nearly four million people visit the site a year.
The men's faces showed no expression, while the women expressed sympathy.
At the same time, some riders expressed sympathy for the union's demands.
Tom expressed sympathy and asked when the breakdown had occurred.
Only between 7 and 9 per cent expressed sympathy for Franco.
He expressed sympathy, which seemed to be quite genuine, when she revealed that her mother was dead.
Residents living here express sympathy for the migrants and say they cause no trouble.
The military Government sent a delegation whose members expressed sympathy and left before the burial.
Liberals express sympathy for the victims, but they're not angry.
In both the state and the nation, the representatives expressed sympathy but opposed aid.
Cameron expresses sympathy but does not commit himself on the particular case.
Some ladies she barely knew arrived in order to express sympathy with her.
All union members and anyone who expressed sympathy toward socialism were dismissed.
"And I get phone calls from people expressing sympathy."
Even some opponents of gambling express sympathy for the mayor.