These were not the first expanding bullets, however; hollow point expanding bullets were commonly used for hunting thin skinned game in express rifles as early as the mid-1870s.
The earliest examples of bullets specifically designed to expand on impact were those fired by express rifles, which were developed in the mid 19th century.
Arms used to hunt large dangerous game, such as those used in express rifles, may be as large as .80 caliber.
Bar/Dot or Express sight: Similar to the Straight Eight type, this type of sight is traditional on express rifles and is also found on some handguns.
The traditional express rifles were break action designs, either single or double barrel designs, and express rifles are still made in this form today.
"After they have seen what I saw," said Dorf, "they will have more respect for an express rifle."
A lion coughed and he went into his tent to reappear with an express rifle.
Leonard fired into one of these herds with an express rifle, for they wanted meat, and a prodigious snorting and bellowing told him that his shot had taken effect.
This cartridge is used almost exclusively in single shot and double express rifles for hunting in the tropics or hot climate.
At the same time I stepped from behind my boul-der, drawing one of my revolvers that I might conserve the more precious ammunition of the express rifle.