Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"But all extraordinary measures must have a beginning and an end."
But have you considered that people will question your taking such extraordinary measures?
If none of this had happened, then I would have no reason to take extraordinary measures.
More often than not survival called for taking extraordinary measures.
And so he is considering taking extraordinary measures, including running for president in 2008.
Also, this time the state took extraordinary measures to win the support of labor.
Without these extraordinary measures we'd be in a huge depression.
Extraordinary measures had been taken to ensure that he did not.
Members of Congress don't need to take extraordinary measures like that now.
Sometimes extraordinary measures are required to gain access to data after a death.
The city's desperate crime situation has led to some extraordinary measures.
"When things are dangerous, you use extraordinary measures," he said.
The Government has tried some extraordinary measures to relieve the rising water.
And, as noted below, some extraordinary measures that were used in the past are no longer available or of limited use today.
Others wondered at the extraordinary measures taken by their bosses.
The police are taking some extraordinary measures to delve into his mind.
We're facing a national emergency and it calls for some extraordinary measures.
Extraordinary measures were expected to be exhausted by February 15.
Other departments also took extraordinary measures in producing the show.
Discussion question: Should doctors use extraordinary measures to keep someone alive at all cost?
If we're to run a school district, then extraordinary measures like this must be made."
Without extraordinary measures, it will be hard to maintain current troop levels past next summer.
Why did his clansmen feel they had to go to such extraordinary measures?
"Applying extraordinary measures could bring peace to the streets for a while," he said.
But it was not until October that the health department began to take extraordinary measures to deal with the outbreak.