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At a nearby table a small boy was having his face painted.
There will also be face painting and a magic show.
Face painting and rock climbing is also available for children.
There will also be a children's art gallery on view throughout the day, and face painting.
Her health had been impaired by the use of white lead face paint.
Without his face paint he seemed much smaller, less impressive.
Then you can buy me some face paint in case I have to go out later."
The man with the blue face paint sat slumped next to him.
The group also uses costumes and face paint in performance.
He was also known for his distinctive pattern of face paint.
She had the outlines of two faces painted around her eyes.
Perfect for a school or local community coffee morning where the kids will be coming along, face painting is a great way to raise money.
"Are you thinking that you're never going to get your face painted on the side of a church?
Children are never satisfied with the faces their parents have provided, and face painting is a good way to make the point.
I'd never seen him without his face paint before.
He grinned at me, face painted red, body lost in shadows.
The fair is a family event with face painting, puppet shows, and music for children.
He leaned over me, his face painted with the stage makeup.
Many of the warriors had their faces painted in patterns.
It is often shown with a tiger face painted on the nose.
Activities include face painting, balloon artists, and catch on the field.
Any idea who's hiding behind this sinister wall of face paint?
The three cast members all wore black face paint, in order to bring the characters to the same level.
Most Roman face paint, the researchers point out, was made with lead, which is toxic.
Face paint is also becoming one with the body.