Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
One of the biggest problems facing task forces has been collecting accurate data.
"The Polish nation will have to face tasks that are far more difficult than those that faced it in 1980," he said.
The hero who accepts the call to enter this strange world must face tasks and trials, either alone or with assistance.
Under very different circumstances, other presidents have faced tasks similar to Mr. Bush's tonight.
The seven new political leaders chosen Saturday, including a president and prime minister, face tasks with obstacles so great that they appear nearly insurmountable.
The Ekman faces task is used to measure emotion recognition of six basic emotions.
Facing Task Force Viking were two divisions of the Iraqi Republican Guard (including the 6th Motorised?)
"The Italian economy faces tasks like the restructuring of big industrial groups," the regional party leader, Sergio Sabattini, said in the Baroque palazzo that is its Bologna headquarters.
Indeed, Mr. Tilton is facing tasks that are every bit as formidable as those he faced as chief executive of Texaco, where he presided over both a bankruptcy and a merger.
Mr President, Mr Prodi, your achievements in Italy unquestionably make you a most worthy candidate, because you have done things there which no one thought possible and in the European Union you will face tasks which are every bit as difficult, if not more so.