Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
It has a factorization of 7 73 127 337 92737 649657.
Finding one or more factors of a given number is called factorization.
It's less likely to fall to some breakthrough than factorization is.
See the box to the right for its prime factorization and related data.
This factorization is also unique up to the choice of a sign.
However, it was also discovered that unique factorization does not always hold.
As described below, however, some number systems do not have unique factorization.
The best known problem in the field is integer factorization.
One of the constant background projects is prime number factorization.
So that would just collapse if this prime factorization problem were solved.
That is, it turns out there's no - we've never found a fast way to do a prime factorization.
Thus, one can use factorization to find the roots of a polynomial.
The number of vanishing moments does not tell about the chosen factorization.
If done right, it is almost certain that at least one such factorization will be nontrivial.
In a unique factorization domain, any two elements have a least common multiple.
Any such expression is called a factorization of x.
Factorization systems are a generalization of this situation in category theory.
Factorization is widely believed to be a mathematically hard problem.
It can be shown that such a factorization is then necessarily unique up to the order of the factors.
The factorization was found using the general number field sieve algorithm.
But that means "q" has a proper factorization, so it is not a prime number.
This is equivalent to the multiplicity of 2 in the prime factorization.
We want matrix to have rank 1 so that the factorization given in second equation can be done.
Unique factorization is essential to many proofs of number theory.
This is not surprising since both rings are unique factorization domains.