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Fail safe had another meaning entirely for those on the breaking and entering side.
This builds in increased protection and a fail safe should a door blow open or a bird rattle an exterior window.
To avoid this they create subconscious fail safes such as excessively thinking through what they say or do.
"Well, the three fail safes were tricky," Feeney admitted.
"But the good news is that I got all these people involved because I sat in a room and said 'Fail Safe."
"Can the fail safes be operated mechanically?"
"Fail Safe" is to be broadcast from two sprawling soundstages on the Warner Brothers lot.
The fail safes are frozen.
Numerous safety systems and fail safes are also employed on the FSC-1, such as a recovery parachute.
Some of the theories of the Nibix were that its fail safes had been improperly constructed, allowing the ship to disappear without awakening any of the crew.
Fail Safe (Sidney Lumet, USA)
If "Fail Safe" represents the actor's debut producing effort, it was also a chance to do justice to a film Mr. Clooney felt had never got its due.
Comadre and Broadway Calls playing at the Fail Safe Records Warehouse Saturday night during The Fest 7.
The villains were at first defeated but when they said the word "Volthoom", they sent themselves into Earth-Three thanks to a fail safe created by Power Ring.
None More Black played a surprise show at the Fail Safe Records warehouse Saturday Night during The Fest 7 in ...
Fail Safe is a televised play, based on Fail-Safe, the Cold War novel by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler, and broadcast in 2000.
But "Fail Safe" demonstrated the vast potential of a carefully mounted television production - not a bargain-basement movie, not a stage play glimpsed from the footlights - to thrill an audience.
At the end of the Cold War the U.S. Fail Safe Commission recommended installing devices to prevent rogue commanders persuading their crews to launch unauthorised nuclear attacks.
He had counted on the reknowned Starfleet fail safes that had left a few free bytes between the communique and the order to relay the transmission to Dr. Bashir.
This is known as N-model redundancy, where faults cause automatic fail safes and a warning to the operator, and it is still the most common form of level one fault-tolerant design in use today.
The Jefferies tube that led toward the nacelle, the grenade, and the fail safes was a maelstrom of small explosions, white shading past a livid purple off the spectrum, and the whoops of alarms.
As for the cast, "Fail Safe" became a rare opportunity to work with friends and colleagues like Mr. Wyle, Mr. Cheadle, his "Out of Sight" co-star and Miguel Ferrer, his first cousin.
The Army issued the solicitation in April 2011, seeking phase I proposals for multiple topics, including Army Topic A11-071, Fail Safe Adaptive Energy Absorber for Helicopter Crash Safety Seating Systems.
"I grabbed those shots at the end of 'Fail Safe' from streets around the studio, on 10th Avenue and 54th, where the Puerto Ricans sat on the steps in the summertime," he said in a recent interview in his small theater-district office.
Kirkpatrick served on Reagan's Cabinet on the National Security Council, Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Defense Policy Review Board, and chaired the Secretary of Defense Commission on Fail Safe and Risk reduction of the Nuclear Command and Control System.