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It can be thought of as a 180 into a fakie (backwards) smith grind.
Usually done by rolling fakie and with one hand planted on the ground as the other is grabbing the board.
In a pipe event, It is called landing fakie.
If you did it out to forward, you would pivot into fakie.
When a rider rolls backwards, this is called "riding fakie".
The skateboarder can then come off the ledge either regular or fakie (backwards).
Half-Cab, just like the Ollie 180 but done in fakie.
Zero Spin: Jumping into a grind from fakie without spinning at all.
There are fakie versions of all the Finger Flips.
This change in board direction mid-run is called riding "Switch" or "Fakie".
Can be done both ways but both start on the nose (or on the tail while rolling fakie).
Pressure Flips can be done nollie or fakie.
Board hardware is often set up to allow a rider to ride "Switch" or "Fakie," with either foot forward.
This is called riding "fakie" or "switch".
The same rules apply when grinds are performed Nollie and Fakie.
Cab and half-cab spins only include fakie backside.
A fakie frontside 180 is not a half-cab.
Out-Spin: Spinning away from the obstacle from fakie and locking into a grind.
Most aerial Kicks are combined with the Fakie or Forward take-off jump.
In boardsports, fakie is riding backwards with the tail facing in the direction of travel.
Patch Nugent, air to fakie, mini ramp, tucked somewhere in someone's backyard in some town, some state.
"fakie" means "riding backward"
A nollie is when the back wheels leave the ground first, or relatively, it's a switch-stance ollie riding fakie.
It is a fakie backside 360 ollie, or in snowboarding, a switch frontside 360.
A combination of a fakie varial heelflip and a frontside half-cab.