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He fell into disfavour in 1943, but remained at his post.
In Iran, those who want no part in this fall into disfavour.
He fell into disfavour at the court, and was strongly criticised by his subordinates.
Due to this accusations he fell into disfavour and was dismissed as court architect.
Priscus disappears for the next few years, as he fell into disfavour with Maurice.
In the 1930s, however, the instrument fell into disfavour and was generally displaced by the accordion.
Cromwell, meanwhile had fallen into disfavour with the king and he was executed that same year.
De Catt began his duties in 1758 and remained until 1780, when he fell into disfavour.
She continued to do so after the prince fell into disfavour with his father and accompanied him into exile.
Since then, their meanings have been revised several times and fallen into disfavour with many, who prefer to speak of biological evolution as one process.
Ageing by sutures has now fallen into disfavour.
Rochester fell into disfavour again in 1676.
M. B. 'Suss' power was used quite a lot- but it fell into disfavour later on.
Her husband fell into disfavour however when the citizenry of Constantinople began erecting statues in their honour.
Actually, an Aristo who breaks laws is not likely to receive punishment, unless he/she falls into disfavour of the emperor.
Today, the accusations are almost entirely discredited in Catholic circles, and the cults associated with them have fallen into disfavour.
Coal fell into disfavour on the grounds that steam engines are noisy, polluting and only 5 per cent efficient.
The flower painting genre was one which had fallen into disfavour, after a high point, but which was now being revived again.
In fiction, the historical romance fell into disfavour, though Emilio de Marchi produced some good examples.
The once dominant JBL fell into disfavour as its designs were identified with 1970s excess.
This was the zenith of the splendour of the chambers, and after this time they soon fell into disfavour.
After the restoration of Ferdinand VII he fell into disfavour.
After the establishment of the residence at Cairo, Jawhar fell into disfavour with al-Muizz.
"Bringing the game into disrepute" is so broadly defined that it has been used to remove players or officials that have fallen into disfavour.
These, King Henry had previously confiscated in 1155 when William Peverel fell into disfavour.