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Having problems getting up in the morning or falling asleep during the day.
Are you falling asleep at night in a couple of minutes?
The man on the floor looked as if he were falling asleep.
It came first at night when he was just falling asleep.
How was I to know she'd take my falling asleep so personal?
And I'm not going to do anyone any good falling asleep on my feet.
My mother used to tell me about it while I was falling asleep.
This takes about 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep.
And yet falling asleep on the job has had its costs.
I was falling asleep at this point, but Field told me about it later.
"We need a change to keep these guys from falling asleep."
Falling asleep, he thought, I have never been so happy in my life.
She had closed her eyes and was now falling asleep!
Only then did Need speak, just as she was falling asleep.
That was about the time I started falling asleep in science class.
For the last few months, I've been having a tough time falling asleep.
He worried for perhaps five minutes before falling asleep again.
She heard beautiful music and sat down, soon falling asleep.
Some people, no matter what they do, have trouble falling asleep at night and being up early during the day.
So she decided to walk around to keep from falling asleep.
By talking and asking questions he would keep Michael from falling asleep.
He jerked his head up, having come close to falling asleep.
"You kept falling asleep toward the end of our interview."
We lay there for a while before falling asleep, and she went back to her room around 4 in the morning.
By the time they were done, the queen was falling asleep.