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Was family planning any part of your training at all?
To make family planning decisions, use the information you already have.
Most of us certainly do not object to family planning.
Family planning, he says, was set back by a decade.
He also took issue with the church on family planning and abortion.
The Government has made a commitment to provide family planning services to all.
"Abortion should not be considered a part of family planning."
They are working successfully in health, family planning and education.
Local officials, who run the family planning program in the field, are given flexibility.
So far I have referred 125 women and 15 men for family planning.
What a moment for an American to take over the world's largest family planning organization.
By law, the family planning groups cannot use Federal money for abortions.
In cases were couples may not want to have children just yet and plan with time family planning programs help a lot.
"They put family planning at the bottom of the list," he said.
Focusing on family planning takes away from the value of the program.
And especially those, whether by accident or design, involved in family planning.
There is little data on the worldwide use of natural family planning.
The forms will help with family planning when there is no marriage, he said.
Seventy percent of the families in her area now practice family planning.
They said this showed the success of their family planning policies.
These funds are used for family planning, not abortion services.
Information about family planning must be provided in the early grades.
You can choose where to go for family planning advice.
Impact of the national family planning program on social sectors, 2002-2003.
Either family planning is enforced or nature will do it for them.