Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Whole thing was a romantic farrago from beginning to end.
Finally, there was the farrago over the public sector strikes.
Let us finish with this farrago once and for all."
There's really nothing for me at this point but to add my little bit to the farrago."
What a mercy that the whole thing is such a farrago of nonsense!
In both cases the only thing in the whole farrago that can be called real is the wrong.
He itched to turn his back on the farrago and slip away.
Now I know, my reader, that the foregoing seems all a farrago.
Why, you wonder, do good artists who show their work regularly elsewhere take part in such a farrago?
He leaned back on his hands and stared again at the glittering farrago of stars.
I'm all for sustainable and "clean" sources of energy, but can you stop with the climate change farrago?
I never heard such a damned farrago of lies.
I found that they were a farrago of untruths.
But most of all these stories are a "farrago nonsense" (Wood), for a man does not live that long.
"I don't believe any of your acquaintances would still remember that old farrago.
"A farrago of superstitious nonsense," thought Alan to himself when he had gone.
They can be amused by the whole farrago.
What running mate can best help the candidate carry the good fight against this fearsome farrago?
"Did I not disassociate myself from this entire farrago?"
"I cannot understand a word of this farrago."
The chief inspector was fascinated by him: a farrago of high seriousness and mischief.
Matt Farrago is the dumb fighter whose championship bout turns out to be with his wife.
What is left in the book is a farrago of the preposterous and the vicious.
He edited the student newspaper Farrago in 1988.