Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I put down the last fascicle of all, and met his friendly eyes.
The species name is for 2-flowered; two flowers in each fascicle.
So far, 49 fascicles have been published, some of them in several editions.
There are also supplements added to fascicles 3, 5, and 7.
The publications are divided into fascicles by country and museum.
The first volumes were published in 1981 and since then over 25 fascicles have been produced.
These clusters are known as fascicles, and give the species its Latin name.
According to historical records, ten fascicles of the diary were known in 1313.
Other fascicles made an appearance in 1788 and later.
He was also the publisher of the first fascicle for the Louvre in 1922.
The printed edition would be issued in fascicles over a limited period of time.
It is currently published in two fascicles each year.
The forty fascicles she created from 1858 through 1865 eventually held nearly eight hundred poems.
New fascicles are still produced as the recovery of inscriptions continues.
The collection contains some 22,000 volumes, 700 fascicles, and a number of manuscripts.
On each foot, the five clearly distinguished toes are grouped into two fascicles.
The needles are in bundles of 3, 4, or 5, with 5-needle fascicles being the most prevalent.
The dictionary was to be published as interval fascicles, with the final form in four 6,400-page volumes.
Each time enough consecutive pages were available, the same material was also published in the original larger fascicles.
It contains up to 150,000 separate muscle fascicles, with no bone and little fat.
As of 2002 the herbarium contained 1,350 fascicles with 122,358 specimens.
Consequently, when fascicles are present the specific epithet often refers to them.
These installments were also made available simultaneously in fascicles Canto-wise.
Within the axon, fascicles to individual muscles may be involved selectively.
The first installment of Volume 4 (a paperback fascicle) was published in 2005.
He produced the first fascicule for the Louvre in 1922.
The first fascicule (from entry Aachs) was published in 1912 and the publication follows regularly year after year.
Deuxième fascicule.
Lépidoptères (premier fascicule).
Genera Insectorum, 64th fascicule.
He completed the second fascicule of Volume IV (4th century BCE) in 1963.
The first volume, published in 1939, was the Fascicule de résultats of Théorie des ensembles.
Travaux hydrographiques et instructions nautiques (premier fascicule).
With a shrug, he set the volume aside and went on to a jelgavan journal, which also proved to cut off abruptly with the previous spring's fascicule.
New York: Danab Publishing Co., 1973 (small, well-illustrated fascicule)
Supplément au IIIme Fascicule.
Part II Fascicule 3: Tractatus De hypotheticis.
Part II Fascicule 4: Capitula De conditionali et de rationali.
Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, Great Britain, Volume I, Fascicule 6.
So the Civil War saw the termination of this remarkable, though ill-fortuned, north-western fascicule of one of England's first joint-stock industrial enterprises, which spanned almost a century.
"L'inscription de Rabatak et l'origine de l'ère śaka" Journal Asiatique, 1998 fascicule 2.
The book Variétés différentielles et analytiques was a fascicule de résultats, that is, a summary of results, on the theory of manifolds, rather than a worked-out exposition.
Legge, A. J. (1991) Excavations at Grimes Graves Norfolk 1972-1976 Fascicule 4: Animals, Environment and the Bronze Age Economy.
Tables astronomiques d'Oloug Beg, commentees et publiees avec le texte en regard, Tome I, 1 fascicule, Paris.
Part II Fascicule 6: Tractatus de veritate et falsitate propositionis et Tractatus de significato propositionis.
Four years later, Solvay reissued this essay as the first fascicule of the Institute's in-4 series of publications, Notes et Mémoires [Notes and Monographs] (Solvay 1902/1906).
Waxweiler's Esquisse d'une sociologie [Sketch of a sociology] was published as the second fascicule of the Solvay Institute of Sociology's Notes et Mémoires series.
Fascicule Gares et lignes du nord edited by COPEF (Cercle Ouest Parisien d'Études Ferroviaires), 1985.
MICHAUD G., 1877 - Description des Coquilles fossiles découvertes dans les environs d'Hauterives (Drôme), 3e fascicule.
Comptes Rendus Academie Des Sciences Paris Serie 2 Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes Fascicule A, 332, 137-144.