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It is a yellowish, fatlike mass, transparent in thin layers, and somewhat fluorescent.
Two more are phosphatides (a type of phosphorus-containing fat molecule), and a fifth is a cerebroside (a complex sugar-containing fatlike molecule).
Cholesterol is a type of lipid, which is a group of fats and fatlike substances found in your body and in the foods you eat.
The organism cloaks its protein structure in a veil of fatlike material, a stratagem that denies obvious targets both to the immune system and to vaccine-makers.
It appears to consist of a double layer of phosphorus-containing fatlike molecules (phospholipid), coated on each side with a single thickness of protein molecule.
"This is a great day for me," said Mr. Singer, who discovered the fatlike protein substance in 1979 as he was researching alternative uses of the byproducts of cheese-making.
Because Dr. Doyle wanted to measure the lipids - fatlike substances - after an overnight fast to get a more accurate reading, he paid a house call to Mr. Kerry in Boston on Sept. 18 to draw blood for a new set of tests.