Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Mom fawningly agrees that everyone's been ever so kind.
The young man was in need of a cigar with which Pasquale served him fawningly.
They never understood why I wasn't fawningly grateful for all the opportunities they gave me."
They receive local renown, colleges look at them fawningly and if you find one without a prom date, you've found the very first.
The security man was fawningly apologetic, saying that such a problem had never happened before, and that he wished he'd been in the area.
"You understand how it is, Madam Lever," he said fawningly.
And still the British press fawningly chronicles his every move - Nige plays golf!
Miserably, incompetently, fawningly, they arranged their net and cast it over the side of the vessel.
The lizard bowed fawningly before the massive toad.
Ladies dipped curtsies and smiled fawningly at him.
And its "Coolness" section is fawningly uncool.
Sometimes enthusiastic supporters and admirers use it fawningly, as when addressing or talking about charismatic business, political, and spiritual leaders.
Akbar rejoiced fawningly in his master's success, and praised his farsighted wisdom.
Waiters nodded fawningly as they bustled past, dressed identically in white shirts and black vests.
The waiters hovered fawningly.
Asa smiled fawningly.
"Most perceptive, Emperor," said Chiun fawningly, bowing low.
One of the senators even stood up and said fawningly, "I propose that our beloved new princeps also be awarded the title pater patriae!"
Sensei can be used fawningly, and it can also be employed sarcastically to ridicule such fawning.
He portrays the "special counselor" as an emotionally erratic, possessive figure, fawningly obsessed with his boss's comings and goings.
Jefe," he said fawningly.
(He talks almost fawningly about Mr. Bentsen: "I think the term 'class act' was invented for him."
"Oh, yes, Master," Tem-Telek responded fawningly.
Here were the people who had rained death upon their homeland, and upon the Faithful throughout the Muslim world, the people who so fawningly supported Israel.