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He was gone, and Morse looked around the area somewhat fecklessly.
And the military suddenly found itself vulnerable to the allegation that it had fecklessly taken aim at him because of his Muslim faith.
Putting his nose round the door, he saw Morse seated at the desk, scowling fecklessly around him.
He beats Raina, groping fecklessly outside off stump, and now has figures of 6-2-10-0.
Mr. Clinton, while fecklessly tut-tutting at the loss of innocent life, failed to make that obvious connection.
She refused to surrender so fecklessly.
American consumers, often portrayed as fecklessly mired in high-cost debt, appear to be saying enough is enough.
The island seethed beneath them, yet still they drifted fecklessly through their masques and levees and futile festivals.
Darvish smiled his fecklessly charming smile.
The Saudi royals can fairly be criticized for fecklessly looking the other way as clerics commandeered schools and preached poisonous nonsense about foreigners.
And always there are the returns, augmented now by the huge volume of items that have been tossed on the floor or carried fecklessly to inappropriate sites.
Proponents focus on tales of materialistic families of mall rats who max out their charge cards and fecklessly file for bankruptcy to start anew.
I expected the high-speed tires to whirr fecklessly, but they kept their grip thanks both to their circumference and to the pliant all-wheel-drive system with its electronic aids.
RARELY has a big international company spun its wheels as fecklessly as General Motors did when it first raced into China.
As Ms. Didion documents with abundant specifics, the gasbags repeatedly treat Americans as "recalcitrant children, fecklessly resistant to responsible guidance."
Compare the Clinton administration's handling of the Mississippi River floods of the 1990's with the fecklessly passive reaction to Katrina to see how important good government is.
This time his fecklessly nihilistic hero is out to cash in on his former father-in-law's infernal will by reuniting with his estranged ex-wife and managing the family business.
That's especially true when politicians are acting as fecklessly as European policymakers have been acting of late, and when they seem oddly indifferent to the real economic problems they're facing.
Those who fecklessly pay huge sums for grimy canvases would be wise to study the results of the Dr Carlo Croce collection at Christie's on 14 January.
Downes fitted a hearing-aid taken from his pocket into his right ear, the aid promptly emitting a series of shrill whistles as he fiddled rather fecklessly with the controls.
Until the family factory was put under Aryan control, the fecklessly unacademic boy spent his time on girlfriends, jazz, swimming and flicking through news magazines and his mother's German Vogue.
A reference to Article 3 of the Regulation of 2003 is important for also informing everyone who fulfils the conditions about the correct labelling requirements and ensuring that no one can fecklessly take advantage of these.
"It is wrong to subordinate Democratic principles to a fanatical determination to oppose Bush 100 percent of the time," it said in a statement, "even on those rare occasions when he moves in the right direction, however fecklessly."
Will we continue fecklessly exterminating our fellow travelers, as we did the dodo, the elephant bird, the painted vulture, the great auk and the 18 other showy storybook species memorialized in J. Patrick Lewis's "Swan Song"?
Billboard called "C'Mon" a YOLO dance jam about taking hookups from the dance floor to the bedroom," adding that the lyrics were on par with Kesha's "Your Love is My Drug" fecklessly juvenile attitude.