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Some patients said they had already been made to feel unwanted.
At home, he feels unwanted and as though his parents take him for granted.
However, he again felt unwanted this time by his stepmother.
"We've got a lot of people who feel unwanted in churches.
Especially if he's been fired, or, for some reason, feels unwanted.
"He knew what it was like to feel unwanted," Leon said.
People have no business making a kid feel unwanted.
I did not mean to hurt your feelings, to make you feel unwanted."
Our founders felt unwanted on Earth, maybe even a little persecuted.
People will not come back with offers of kindness if they are made to feel unwanted."
As a consequences, people often made witches feel unwanted in their societies.
He never felt unwanted in Houston and, in fact, was welcomed back.
The greatest sadness was the children who felt unwanted.
So boys and girls are moved from place to place; more than one tells of feeling unwanted.
"I guess when you have a lack of friends, you feel unwanted," he said.
Constantly feeling unwanted and hated throughout his life, he looked towards death as an escape.
As the days pass on, Indira feels unwanted, and ends up having no place to live.
She feels unwanted by her father, who is now married to another woman and has another young daughter with his new wife.
During the next several months, as the overhead lights seemed to grow dimmer, I began to feel unwanted.
"He felt unwanted because he wasn't allowed to come home."
Far from feeling unwanted, the children accept the story as a miraculous fable that makes them special.
But when he sat in it, he felt unwanted, an intruder.
But, within six months after they got married, Melisa began to feel unwanted and repressed again.