Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
As for the feistiness, the lessons came at an early age.
"You'll find more than enough feistiness to keep you busy."
"There aren't many teachers who see feistiness on the part of students as a virtue," he said.
"It's a kind of decline in American feistiness and an ability to think for yourself," she said.
An elderly cat, who, for all his feistiness, didn't have many years left.
The feistiness would count for nothing without the brilliant prose.
"I don't want him to lose his feistiness or aggressiveness."
Its Australian author, she said, is "a writer of talent and feistiness."
Of his daughter, however, he expected feistiness and independence.
Surely some of his feistiness was simply in his nature.
And it is true that the mayor has occasionally shown signs of feistiness.
Such faculty feistiness is rare, and for good reason.
Perhaps Sam is just getting older, perfecting his skills while losing some feistiness.
"But it's a kind of feistiness that's directed to the fundamental challenges that face this country."
Annie was always excited by an arrival, and excitement brought out her feistiness.
Kat reminds Andy of his mum, with her dark hair and feistiness.
"There's a feistiness I have to admire because he is a survivor of another time and place.
"His feistiness and excitement will add to our team.
Buck was amused at Rayford's feistiness, in light of the situation.
I smiled at the magic and feistiness of my eighty-something-year-old grandmother.
His feistiness is simply a part of his personality.
"That feistiness he has is part of what has gotten us so far.
There was no sign of Church's former feistiness.
Maybe the Nets would not have had the feistiness to break down the Knicks as they did.
Mr. Fyodorov's feistiness has been strengthened by his financial independence.