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On the problem of femaleness in civil war and life.
For the first time in years, she was conscious of her femaleness.
Yet never before, too, had my femaleness felt so deeply real.
In short, I was on the brink of learning my femaleness.
He smiled when presented with this evidence of his own new femaleness.
But colleagues insist that, if anything, their femaleness is a help.
"You have not yet even begun to get in touch with your femaleness," I said.
"What in all your femaleness do you sense of the men of this world?"
"Even though they do not yet have the full perfections of their femaleness upon them."
"This place has always been a meritocracy, and I have never actually felt my femaleness," she said.
I was pleased to see that the third girl seemed now much more sensitive to her femaleness than earlier.
Still later, he thought that perhaps this femaleness contained some-thing of both.
There was a disquieting femaleness about her that he had never considered in his sister.
I wasn't trapped within a vision of my femaleness.
Needing to feel his maleness as a contrast to her femaleness.
I'd been more or less ignoring certain evidences of my femaleness, but that was no longer really possible.
There was no part of his body - save one - that didn't now have the mark of femaleness.
Therefore, the high concentration can induce femaleness of flowers in some species.
Instead, images of maleness or femaleness are "constructed" by a culture.
David was never comfortable with his assigned femaleness, and he transitioned back to a male later in life.
She was quite intelligent herself, once he allowed for the facts of her alienness and femaleness.
But now that my roommate's femaleness had been so unequivocally brought home to me, I could not quite relax.
Connolly wanted a child to prove her adulthood, her femaleness.
Jager, who has two children and four grandchildren, had her femaleness confirmed by medical tests.
It was my femaleness that was stopping me do it.