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The interpolation of just one individual who isn't male will have a feminising (I'm steering clear of the word "civilising") influence so great that it's often cost-effective for nightclubs to let women in for nothing, since they pay for themselves by preventing breakages.
However, he emphasises that the film is an overt mythologising and feminising of the nation in which Indian audiences have used their imagination to define it in the nationalistic context, given that in reality the storyline is about a poverty-stricken peasant from northern India, rather than a true ideal of a modernising, powerful nation.
"The Reagan era has seen a rollback of political feminism and an excessive feminizing of women," he said.
Feminist scholars have suggested that "emphases in her hymns both revealed and accelerated the feminizing of American evangelicalism".
Chuck is also very close to another female author, Susan Faludi, who penned the critically acclaimed novel Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, which Chuck compares very closely to Fight Club in the way in which it depicts the feminizing of men in today's culture.