Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She looked forward to human company, but not with any great fervour.
Certainly in most cases they may be offered out of true love and fervour.
Again he spoke without fervour and that, I thought, was his real message.
Rather than national fervour, many English people seem to hate what they think their country is or has become.
I still find it moving today, even without my own adolescent fervour.
They were not used to all this fervour and zeal.
Perhaps there is no fervour like that of the convert.
Here Jordan's feelings went beyond love itself to a kind of religious fervour.
There seemed to be nothing in the conversation to stir up such fervour.
My task would be so much easier if I believed with your fervour.
Nowhere else in the world can match the fervour of it.
She hated me with all the fervour of her tropical nature.
It's the personal fervour of the thing that gets them."
If his voice did not hold the fervour of that first morning, surely she understood.
After the war he pursued both arts with equal fervour.
We were all startled by the fervour of this warning.
And I have yet to kill anyone in a crazed fervour.
"Not, perhaps, with the same fervour as once I had.
Michael Lever is a nice young man for all his revolutionary fervour.
But you talk to people with the fervour of what you want to tell them.
People who were infused with a fervour which drove them on.
It was noticed that he now brought to his work during the day a fervour quite unprecedented.
By high school her fervour had developed into a crusade against evolution.
He felt it would be necessary to throw more fervour into the proceedings.
They made up for this by the passion and fervour of their embraces.
But the fervor tonight often seemed less personal than political.
I felt their fervor almost as if it were music.
Over the summer of 1735, religious fervor took a dark turn.
After the death of his father, he had wanted that future with even more fervor.
"I long with deep fervor to hear you question her."
Yet with the same fervor, they are now turning themselves toward the real.
What had brought them here with such speed and fervor?
"I've never seen such fervor in the religious right here."
A small woman told him with great fervor how they were fighting for some big idea.
But despite the fervor, not everyone is looking forward to the event.
About a year later, a new production, played with the required fervor, became a hit.
And one day such a religious fervor came over him that he died of it.
I can understand a person who takes his o her fervor too far.
But the company's sense of communal fervor was already felt.
All are new parents, with the fervor of the converted.
He can be relentless in his fervor to get others involved.
But he did not back up his fervor with any concrete offer.
Even now she wanted him with a fervor that was hard to contain.
She embraced them with all the fervor that I had.
He was seen as not having enough Republican revolutionary fervor.
Many Indian companies are looking to take advantage of the fervor.
He'd like to tell Mary so right now, to watch her face light up with the fervor of the debate.
There is nothing wrong with having a fervor for bacon.
That last came out with the fervor of the prayer it actually was.
This was a a small group of people who were whipped up into a fervor.